Henrico County Public Schools
for the
Advancing the Possibility

Henrico County Public Schools
Programs For The Gifted


    In Henrico County Public Schools we believe that all students are unique and deserve educational opportunities appropriate to their needs and abilities. We recognize that gifted students have educational needs that require a qualitatively differentiated instructional program. To develop each student's potential fully, we seek to provide program services featuring rigorous curriculum content and instructional opportunities. We also support services to address the social and emotional needs of students and their families. We recognize the need to use multiple criteria when identifying gifted students from a variety of social and economic backgrounds and to provide them with a flexible continuum of program services from kindergarten through secondary graduation.

The Gifted - Who are they?

    Gifted students are defined as those whose abilities and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that alternative provisions must be made for their education.

Identification and Placement

    The identification of gifted students is a continuous process at each grade level, kindergarten through high school graduation. Qualifying students are identified in one or more of the following areas of giftedness and placed in an appropriate program

Identification/Placement Committee

    The Identification/Placement Committee in each school is responsible for implementing the screening and assessment including review of:

    When a referral possibility exists, parents will be asked for permission to proceed beyond the basic information gathering process. Using multiple criteria, the committee makes the determination of eligibility for gifted services and will recommend appropriate program placement.
Gifted Program Offerings


    Whole class response lessons are provided by itinerant teachers of the gifted for all county classes. These lessons are designed to engage students in high-level thought and elicit examples of advanced vocabulary and advanced conceptual development. The data collected through this process is one factor used in identifying students through multiple criteria.

    Program options may include, but are not limited to, acceleration based on individual needs, mentorship, occasional opportunities for pull-out lessons, multi-age grouping for instructional purposes, and use of technology.

Grades 4-5

Program features include:

Grades 6-8

Program features include:

Advanced sections in all core subjects (mathematics, science, English, social studies).

Grades 9-12

Program features include:

State Summer Governor's Schools

    The Virginia Department of Education, in partnership with Henrico County Public Schools, supports 4 to 5 week residential programs for high school students on college campuses. Participants are selected through a statewide competitive process after nomination by their local schools

    A Regional Summer Governor's School Program, hosted by the Mathematics & Science Center, is offered for middle school students. Students are selected by the Mathematics & Science Center after nomination by their local schools.

Professional Development

Teacher training initiatives include:

Parent Resource Center

    The Parent Resource Center, located at Central Gardens, provides information and resources to parents. Materials are available on the education of the gifted student, K-12. In addition, the center offers take-home materials including suggested reading lists, a list of programs offered in central Virginia for gifted students, and information from national organizations about the education of gifted students.

    Central Gardens is located at 2401 Hartman St. "E" Building, Richmond, Virginia, 23223. The phone number is 343-6523.

Gifted Advisory Council

    The Council, composed of parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, students, community members, and representatives of The Governor's School for Government and International Studies, is appointed by the School Board. The members, representing each magisterial district, are appointed annually for a maximum term of three years. The primary role of the council is to study the needs and concerns related to the education of the gifted, review the implementation of the county's plan to meet these needs, and provide an annual report of its findings to the School Board.

Henrico County Education Foundation, Inc.

    The Henrico County Education Foundation makes possible special activities for students and staff, and provides other resources that are not available through the school division's regular budget Individuals, groups, and businesses may make tax deductible contributions of money, real property, or other gifts which promote activities consistent with the Foundation's aims and purposes. The Gifted Advisory Council has two representatives on the Foundation Board.

Program Administration

    School principals oversee the implementation of gifted programs that reflect the needs of their student populations. For specific information about the gifted program implementation at a particular school, contact the school principal.

    Central Office administrators responsible for providing expertise and support for the gifted programs include the Educational Specialist for Gifted Programs, the Director of Elementary Education, the Director of Secondary Education, and the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.

For additional information, contact:

Programs for the Gifted, Henrico County Public Schools


P.O. Box 23120, Richmond, Virginia 23223
Mark A. Edwards
Superintendent of Schools

 Henrico County Gifted Advisory Council, 1996-97 

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