English 111
Don Maxwell
Fall, 2001
The Question
The Quest
(re)search project (not what you think) part 1

Please spend some time this week contemplating your own needs for information that will enable you to make some practical decision. A decision about your own academic future or welfare might be just the ticket. But whatever the decision, it needs to be--

Write down some notes about your contemplations so that you'll have the information handy when you discuss this matter with others a week from today. By the end of that class, you should have in mind a reasonably clear QUESTION, about which you will need to make a DECISION, but about which you'll need more information before you can make the decision.

The question you'll eventually settle on should be valid for you--a question you really do want to answer and need to know more about. It should be relatively--

    PRACTICAL, rather than abstract

    LOCAL, rather than national or global

    SMALL, rather than large.

Furthermore, it must be--

     PERSONAL--the question MUST contain the word "I."

    CONTROVERSIAL--the more controversial, the better!

For example, it could be about the choice of a major. (NOT What should I major in? but Should I major in computer science or physics?)

Or almost anything like that--just as long as it's something that you really want to decide about but can't decide without first getting more information.

Also: your question should be such that you can become the world's leading expert on it in about one month--so you can see that it needs to be relatively small and constrained.  On the other hand, it needs to be large enough so that your report of your answer to the question will occupy about 3 or 4 pages.  That's arbitrary; but the question ought to be real and pressing for you.

(Analytical or Critical Research Project)
Due Dates What's Due
10/11 October  The Question
17/18 October Progress report 1
A summary of what you've found out and thought about so far.
24/25 October Working bibliography and notes
The information sources you've identified and the notes you've made about what the sources have to say about your question
7/8 November Progress report 2
A draft of what you've written so far.
14/15 November Finished report

Related documents

Reporting The Quest - How to do this assignment.

Researching & Reporting - How different "research papers" work and which to do for this course.

Attribution & Documentation - How to do the "he said" and "she said" stuff

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