English 111
Fall, 2001
Don Maxwell
      « Navigation »
Mid-Course Correction

It's about the middle of the course now and a good time for you check your navigation--to see where you are and where you're heading.

Assemble everything you've written for the course so far. That should be the "Primary Assignments" (not counting this one), plus any notes you've written to me and other relevant writings. The "Primary Assignments" so far are:

If that's how many you have, you're probably doing okay in the course--probably at least a "C."  Then take a look at the grading criteria in the course description that I gave you at the beginning of the course. Finally, read over your writings and see how they seem in comparison to other persons' writings. That should give you some idea of how much better than "C" you're doing.

Then please write a report of your progress so far and your own plans for the remainder of the course. Your report should contain two main parts:


1.1  Your record of your attendance--the number of classes you've attended.  (Internet class--how regularly you've "come to class" online.)

1.2 Your accounting of which writing invitations (assignments) you've completed and which you have yet to do.


2.1  Assess your own writing so far in this course. Here are some things you might consider:
2.1.1 What aspects of your writing are you most pleased with?

2.1.2 In what ways has it most improved?

2.1.3 What aspects of it do you feel least comfortable about?

Please be specific in your report. Give the numbers of writings you've completed. Say how many classes you have attended and how many you've missed. Be specific about the qualitative parts, too. For example, if you're pleased with the way you've learned to use specific details, refer to specific writings in which you did that.

This assignment is really for you to take stock for yourself. Giving me your report ought to be really just a formality. However, it will also help you prepare for a similar job at the end of the semester.

NOTE: You'll probably know from preparing this report what your status is in the course, but if you're not sure or have any questions, please let me know right away and we can discuss it. Talk with me in person, phone me, or send me email.

(October 23rd is the last day to withdraw from courses with impunity--in case you wondered.)

Invitations to Write